I sat in a security awareness training module a while back that was mandated by the company I worked for at the time. In the not so distant past, this video said I needed to create between an 8 char or 12 char password to stay safe. I cringed a little and suffered through the rest of the training…

We can do better, watching a one time video and taking a short quiz once a year really doesn’t help keep users up to date with current cybersecurity threats. Not to mention the rapid rise of AI, Social Engineering. It’s no wonder that security awareness is the most hated thing… it’s also arguably one of the most important.

We took a unique approach at and built security training into culture by creating ongoing testing and educational content. Promoting cybersecurity within the business and educating people to current and real threats is important. Situational awareness and education combined is key. Cybersecurity is a team sport, and it should be engaging and intriguing. We augment your current security awareness training with real time simulations and educational content. This keep employees engaged, educated and situationally aware.

We also built in a threat stream to our platform as an optional service, totally free and open source. Any one can use it.

Our approach is novel and unique, we combine penetration testing with user education, simulation and educational content.. all in one. We also help keep security teams and users situationally aware of emerging threats in real time. Our SMS alerting service keeps users aware of active phishing campaigns targeting the business in real time. Most important thing to do when you are getting phished, let your co-workers know and give them a heads up! We do that automatically for you.

All of our services are fully managed, because your security teams have better things to do than send templated phishing simulations. We can automate it and report it for you. And we can do it across all screens, mobile and desktop.

We won’t lock you in to a year long contract either. Our services are quarterly and focused on showing incremental improvement. We force ourselves to raise the bar with no long term contract lock-ins. We’re here to help as much or as little as you need.

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AI Attacks

are everyones responsibility